September 2, 2010: Episode 5x20Ogg 5x20 | Speex 5x20
End of Season Five. Warning, this is a two-hour episode so take the scenic route to work. Klaatu talks about Makefiles, how to write them and how to use them for ordinary tasks like managing docbook processing. He also talks of cool little perl scripts like txt2docbook, and pdftk (thanks SndChaser for that), and generally what his workflow is in doing exciting docbook projects. Then he talks for a while about his experiences with freeBSD 8.1 so far, with more as that story develops next season. He continues on to talk about and how great it is. Oh yeah and he finally changes the name of the show.
- Important Links:
- txt2docbook perl script
- open clip art dot org
- freeBSD
- freeBSD Handbook - written in docbook, no less
August 2, 2010: Episode 5x17Ogg 5x17 | Speex 5x17
Klaatu talks about a Perl-based search site, KDE, Krunner Dictionary, Fast User Switcher plasmoid, compiling applications on KDE with cmake and using kbuildsycoca4 and kquitapp, KDE everywhere, whether "coffee" should be spelt with "c" or "k", and Fusion Linux. Due to talking too much, he runs out of time for listener feedback so expect next episode to cover that topic.
- Important Links:
- Duck Duck Go, a Perl-based search site
- Krunner Dictionary
- Fast User Switch plasmoid
- Plasma Mobile
- Fusion Linux
July 12, 2010: Episode 5x15Ogg 5x15 | Speex 5x15
Klaatu talks about the results of the Great Linux Multimedia Sprint and where to get all the stuff and apologizes for not having been organized enough to get all the names of the people who helped out with it - next sprint will be better tracked. Klaatu also talks about the evilness that is licensing and how great Creative Commons is. He also talks about the Slackermedia booth at SELF, the fact that SigFLUP is going to OLF, yesplz and un!xp0rn, geek culture, the maemo5 theme for Diablo on the n800 and telescope the app switcher, and an overview of the current state of multimedia content creation on teh GNU Linuxes.
- Important Links:
- Uber Leet Hacker Force
- maemo5 theme for diablo
- telescope app switcher for Maemo
April 7, 2010: Episode 5x09Ogg 5x09 | Speex 5x09
Klaatu talks about liveCDs that he's tried lately, weighs in on the maemo moblin meego and mer issue, and does a howto set up gitorious and your local git clone for your own project. He takes some listener feedback from people like Jim and Thoth and other random listeners, and talks a bit about Slackermedia.
- Important Links:
- formail
- Mer
- Meego
March 19, 2010: Episode 5x08Ogg 5x08 | Speex 5x08
In this week's exciting episode, Klaatu apologizes for threatening to kill the speex feed and begs his kind listeners for forgiveness and mercy, he talks about the mystery that is the mbox format plus a handy mbox converter tool called formail (part of the procmail package). He covers how to set up an FTP server with vsFTPd. And finally he talks about his recent speexenc tests and what he's found out about the major speexenc flags.
- Important Links:
- formail
- Speex Codec Manual
- vsFTPd
- - a redirect to this page
March 15, 2010: Episode 5x07Ogg 5x07 | Speex 5x07
Klaatu brings us a blast from the past, playing an old Gort segment from season 1, about webcam security, apropos now more than ever, in light of the recent US school district that was caught spying on their students via their Macbooks. This Gort segment teaches you (or your mac-using friends) how to hunt down the webcam driver in Mac OS and remove it so that the webcam cannot be activated without your knowledge. Klaatu also examines how the free software philosophy encourages understanding computers as opposed to how proprietary software encourages people to not even think about their computer or what might be happening behind the spying webcams. Klaatu then talks about how to get your favourite free software on openSolaris via openCSW, and howto get animated desktop backgrounds for Fluxbox. He then takes listener feedback; he talks about why the Windows Registry sucks, technically, about (and gives the wrong URL for it so please see the links below), Blender 2.5 alpha, meego, Off The Wall and an article in 2600 by sigflup, and a windows virus.
- Important Links:
- Why the Windows Registry Sucks...Technically
- Linux Planet dot Org
- meego
- Mer
- off the wall
- - a redirect to this page
February 18, 2010: Episode 5x04Ogg 5x04 | Speex 5x04
HOWTO get foreign characters using xmodmap and .Xmodmap on GNU Linux. Klaatu reads listener feedback and discusses things like 'the eeePC reviewed after two years' and speexenc and Audacity samplerate settings, feh vs. fbsetbg, and more.
- Important Links:
- shownotes on the xmodmap thing
- some cool wallpaper