July 22, 2012: Episode 7x20 PLAY: Ogg 7x20 | Speex 7x20

The two hour season finale. Klaatu crash lands on an ancient planet and must learn its terrible secret.

Nah, not really. It's just Klaatu reading listener feedback, talking about find and xargs and other bash tricks, YaST, the GPL. Unconfirmed rumours also tell of a second, bonus coffee break!

Updated Shownotes

Jimzat asked for shownotes, and GNU World Order delivars!


The find command is like grep except it works on filenames instead of file contents.

Find Examples:

  1. You can search your home directory for a file that starts with the string "foo" and ends with anything:

    $ find ~ -iname foo*




  2. Or search your music folder for anything containing the string "clay"

    $ find ~/albums -iname *clay*




    There are lots of other attributes of a file you can search or use in your search, such as the case-sensitive -name, or creation time, or the modification time, and much more.

  3. The -exec flag is a powerful switch that you can use to execute a command against the result of your find command. In a way, it's a quick-and-dirty for loop!

    $ find /media/drive/ -name DS_Store -exec rm -i {} \;

    Notice that {} stands in for "the result of find". The -exec phrase must be closed with \; or you'll get an error.


Takes the results, or the standard out, of one command and magically transforms it into the standard in of another command.

Xargs Examples:

  1. It's sometimes easier to understand xargs by not using it first.

    $ echo "foo bar baz" > fooBarEtc.txt

    $ cat $(ls | grep -i foo)

    foo bar baz

    Let's try something similar but add xargs a little bit:

    $ ls | grep -i foo | xargs cat -

    foo bar baz

  2. Using xargs in a more useful way, we could use it in combination with a bunch of commands to create a command so powerful that most people would be willing to pay $10 for it on some shareware site.

    For instance, let's say we have a website and we need to go through all of its pages and change the word "windows" to "linux"

    We could open each .html file in a text editor and do a find/replace, or if we were a little more skilled we might run sed on each file, or create a for loop that runs sed. But even better, we could do it all with xargs.

    $ grep -i windows -l ./*html | xargs sed -e 's_windows_linux_g'

ogg e50d8e21b8864aa194ea5d9408f5d51d52d3169c0b51ac20e9eb79678226ea2c
spx 0185689d8bc98d8b65b34c15dd24e2706be988b5b183a4ad78ab32acbd005e84
Important Links:
CPAN - Comprehensive Perl Archive Network
Sweet Maria's Coffee Roasting site
video-meta - a nice script to analyze video and audio files
July 8, 2012: Episode 7x19 PLAY: Ogg 7x19 | Speex 7x19

GNU Emacs has package management now. HOWTO be a good little Slacker.

ogg 138dbc9895628524a9bdb8812b8b4ca6f60adb3d250a29889832b6f36b6399cb
spx d0f5bef37df854e06fd439daf7c97365674f8253e351aeeee847f691055f842a
Important Links:
GNU Emacs 24.1 wiith package management
June 24, 2012: Episode 7x18PLAY: Ogg 7x18 | Speex 7x18

Listener feedback. Southeast Linux Fest: a retrospective. And the Raspberry Pi, running ArmedSlack, thanks to MRWork's internet smarts (see links below).

ogg dcdb956db1e6fe47c7915ff8f73cd4a9c8d301469039af90a785174eb32dfd12
spx 65c45cc2644eb6850a7a3e3f2ea46af996f21c966a8119ec07b4c7a24918f2db
Important Links:
ArmedSlack for RPi
Resize RPi Parts
RPi Firmwares
Updating RPi Firmwares
multiboot thumbdrives
June 10, 2012: Episode 7x17 PLAY: Ogg 7x17 | Speex 7x17

Klaatu talks about listener feedback, BSides Security Conference and reverse engineering patches (not a HOWTO, just that it exists), a failed QR Code experiment, the qrencode application, explains (more or less) what the heck a filesystem is, how users shop for new software, upgrading to Fedora 17 via Anaconda, and more. Also, a new Fat Chance Lester album is out, and all intro, outro, and segue music on this episode was taken from it. Check it out via the link below!

ogg 1c678a0f0ef2d247d8309868f388ef45
spx 840cc1a2908ffa4ea283023b5035c6ff
Important Links:
Southeast Linux Fest
Ghost of a Chance - the new Fat Chance Lester album
discussed in this episode
May 27, 2012: Episode 7x16 PLAY: Ogg 7x16 | Speex 7x16

Klaatu muses over packaging, the UNIXness of packaging systems, Gnome3's inclusion of Google as its default (immutable?) search engine on both desktop and browser (which Klaatu incorrectly refers to as "evolution" when he really meant "epiphany" "web") (thanks to Thrice in IRC for clarification), thelastknowngod's tip about the free command, ClaudioM's tip about arp, and more!

ogg 9c1ae6995e725d95e42a69323d1c028f
spx 051b629106545c6182a8df2e31b71b5c
Important Links:
linuxAteMyRam.com - a great site thelastknowngod found
Gnome Desktop
the updated Slackermedia still exists
sbo_tools by nihilismus, discussed in this episode
sbo-tools by vbatts, not discussed in this episode but worth looking at
May 13, 2012: Episode 7x15 PLAY: Ogg 7x15 | Speex 7x15

Listener feedback about Ardour 3 and synchronized video, the 1000th episode of Hacker Public Radio, KDE activities, a new Debian Handbook, the new Slackermedia update, the new Fedora Reloaded series, and more!

ogg 9c9d2117a42ae95a8b18e3c80d226236
spx 8a6d8be7fd01a85f2a465198c95c3010
Important Links:
Ardour 3 with video synchronization
Xjadeo audio and video sync
the updated Slackermedia book
KDE Activities brainstorm
Debian Handbook
Return of the original Fedora Reloaded!
April 29, 2012: Episode 7x14 PLAY: Ogg 7x14 | Speex 7x14

Klaatu interviews ScottL, maintainer of the Ubuntu Studio project.

ogg 8bd50107e4035b0cf3a9abe52255117e
spx 6f2f80e830b5219fea599a44079e53a1
Important Links:
Ubuntu Studio
another gnu+linux multimedia solution based on slackware
March 31, 2012: Episode 7x13 PLAY: Ogg 7x13 | Speex 7x13

Klaatu sets up a git server, reviews listener feedback, including the GNU World Manifesto by (whether he knows it or not) Kristian-from-London, and relates JessiJames's tip on how to set up and use encrypted thumbdrives seamlessly on Linux. No April Fools jokes in this one; didn't quite plan that far in advance :)

Updated Shownotes

Ken Fallon emailed and demanded shownotes, and when Ken Fallon demands something, you don't ignore him. So:

Git Server

Setting up a git server is easy! Klaatu does this on a local server; if you intend to do it on a world-facing server, you should probably look into increased security. Either way, the simplicity and ease is pretty much the same:

On the server:

  1. First, configure your git environment:

    $ git config --global user.name "Klaatu von Schlacker"

    $ git config --global user.email klaatu@haackerpubllcradlo.0rg

  2. Then make a new directory where your files will be stored. It's not a bad idea to append it with .git, just because everyone else (gitorious, github, etc) seems to do it that way.

    $ mkdir gnuworldorder.git

  3. Then cd into the new directory and initialize it as a bare (yes, bare. empty. void.) git directory.

    $ cd !$

    $ git --bare init

    $ pwd

That's all you need to do. It's set up. You're done. No, seriously, it is.

Of course you'll want to now use it. Here's how.

On the client:

  1. First clone the empty repository.

    $ git clone

    Git will cheerfully warn you that you've just cloned an empty repository. That's not a problem.

  2. Next, cd into your new directory:

    $ cd gnuworldorder

  3. Now you can start putting files into it. You can cd or mv stuff into it, or just create new files with GNU Emacs or whatever.

    $ echo "Gort, Klaatu barada nikto." > qotd.txt

  4. Now you've got a new file. See its status with:

    $ git status

    This will reveal that yes, the file qotd.txt exists, but that it is untracked, meaning that git is not (yet) keeping track of the file or whether it has changed or not. We should fix that.

  5. To add the file into git proper, use:

    $ git add .

    $ git status

    The command is obvious. We use a dot at the end to mean "add everything in this current directory that has been modified or has changed".

  6. If you're sure you want this file added into git, then you should commit it. If you suddenly have a change of heart, you can use git reset...but let's assume you want to commit:

    $ git commit

    An editor will open, and you should type in some kind of commit message that will be meaninful to yourself and others. Save the file, quit.

  7. Now you can push the change to your git server. Since this is the first time you're ever pushing to this heretofore empty repository, you must use:

    $ git push origin master

    Once your initial commit is made, you can just use:

    $ git push

  8. Curious about the history of your commits? use git log

Git in action

OK, so let's say that you do something crazy like:

$ echo 1 > qotd.txt

$ cat qotd.txt


You've just erased your entire qotd.txt file! What do?

Well, git can help:

$ git checkout qotd.txt

$ cat qotd.txt

Gort, Klaatu barada nikto.

Saved by git!

Encrypted thumbdrives with luksFormat

Jessijames in IRC taught Klaatu this trick. If you are on freenode.net and happen to see Jessijames wandering around, thank him for the lesson!

  1. First, plug in your thumbdrive and make darned sure you know where it is:

    $ su -c 'dmesg | tail'

    [1689579.379113] sdc: sdc1

    [1689579.381433] sd 27:0:0:0: [sdc] No Caching mode page present

    [1689579.381435] sd 27:0:0:0: [sdc] Assuming drive cache: write through

    In the case above, my thumbdrive is clearly attached to sdc and has one partition (sdc1) on it.

  2. If your drive has no partition on it, or too many, or you just feel you need to reset it, you can make a new partition table with cfdisk or fdisk or whatever. Also, we'll become root so we can manipulate devices and mount them and so on:

    $ su

    # parted /dev/sdc

    (parted) mktable

    New disk label type? msdos

    (parted) quit

  3. Now to set up an encrypted container in which we can house our secret filesystem.

    # cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sdc1

    You'll be asked to confirm this action, and you'll be asked to create a passphrase. You should do those things.

  4. Next, it's time to mount the drive. Keep in mind it doesn't actually contain a filesystem yet; but we need to decrypt and mount the container so we can make a filesystem in it.

    # cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdc1 zippy

    # mkfs.ext2 /dev/mapper/zippy

  5. Now we've got an encrypted container with an ext2 filesystem inside of it, located as an LVM volume at /dev/mapper/zippy

    Big deal. Now we have to mount the filesystem so we can read and write to and from it.

    In order to find out where the filesystem exists, we list the /dev/mapper:

    # ls -lh /dev/mapper

    brw-rw---- sdc1 -> dm-0

    Ergo, my drive's mountable filesystem has a link to some place called /dev/dm-0 (the decrypted version of the filesystem)

  6. Mount the decrypted filesystem as you would any regular drive:

    # mount /dev/dm-0 /mnt/zip

    cd into /mnt/zip and make a directory for your normal user, and start using it! When finished, umount as usual.

  7. For bonus points, the next time you go to use the thumbdrive, try it in the GUI (a "GUI" is kind of like the Linux shell, but with wobbly windows). At least on KDE, the thumbdrive's encryption is recognized and I'm prompted to enter the password, and then it mounts as normal in Dolphin. It's truly magical.

The GNU World Order Manifesto

By Kristian

  1. Almost all people have the capacity to understand basic logic/reasoning and given how obvious it is that there is terrible suffering in the world, there is a morale imperative to seek to understand and mitigate problems. This is basically the hacker ethic.

  2. A little bit of knowledge significantly lowers the barriers of entry for many computer uses, especially small server/website, multimedia production, and even word processing. The user only gains this knowledge by using simple approaches (ie, I don't have a computer science degree but...)

  3. There is no level of automated protection that can mitigate every human error. If you install binaries on your pc without being certain of their provenance you can never claim to be secure. In a networked world the problem increases exponentiality. (The T0nid0 plug defaults to serve your personal data to the world over an unencrypted connection using an unsupported ubuntu install that runs entirely as root-given that T0nid0 would never state this in their marketing or the user manual, I had to rely on my self taught gnu/linux knowdedge to understand my t0nid0 plug and never switch it on again!)

  4. Introduction of code for no purpose involves taking risks with no possible benefit (Many websites need 2 mb of html on a static page, but run 30mb of php with all kinds of plugins that the user doesn't understand or need.)

  5. It is inevitable that a computer user will need to intervene when something doesn't work. The problem is that if the user knows nothing, they end up going onto the Ubuntu forum and cutting and pasting sudo rm -rf / into a terminal thinking that it will install mscorefonts.

That's it! Thanks for reading the shownotes.

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spx 8ccfa4878b09f1f3042501a91741030e
Important Links:
Join The Game by becoming a card carrying KDE party member!
Bill von Hagen's Git article
the Git Community Book
March 18, 2012: Episode 7x12 PLAY: Ogg 7x12 | Speex 7x12

Adding drives to LVM, encrypting and decrypting files with GPG, and producing stuff with Linux like Stuzz does.

ogg 65af182e7625bca9ff0da821056b64d0
spx ada96c9f1a9e5f43155d961e1df05dfa
Important Links:
Stuzz on Bandcamp!
March 04, 2012: Episode 7x11 PLAY: Ogg 7x11 | Speex 7x11

Klaatu talks about the recent timthumb.php Wordpress exploit, he gives his thoughts on Mozilla Thunderbird 10, and how he tells Good software from Bad software. After the coffee break, it's all about video: ffmpeg's -thread flag (thanks, cobra2) and how to use the video tag in HTML5 so your videos play on everything!

ogg 85409f6357e5ea1272857db03f129d00
spx 9e19fbb9510582d615f08185cdbf73b5
Important Links:
February 20, 2012: Episode 7x10 PLAY: Ogg 7x10 | Speex 7x10

Listener feedback regarding file systems, GNU Linux UX design, and Sabayon Linux. A Kdenlive tip. Musings on marketing, honesty, and the comfort of propaganda. And howto use the calendaring and diary functions in GNU Emacs with a bonus org-mode integration power-up!

ogg 86fe0b29622954d1e20b576b361696b7
spx 6274ce2b9530d8a92ef7eb0000d7ad1f
Important Links:
February 6, 2012: Episode 7x09 PLAY: Ogg 7x09 | Speex 7x09

Klaatu talks about data management, multi-lingualism on the KDE and Gnome3 desktops, and some other stuff.

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spx a4ef9205a9f2e6a467bfabb65e03ba80
Important Links:
concr, sigFLUP's encryption library for yesplz
yesplz, sigFLUP's unixporn screeenshot uploader
January 23, 2012: Episode 7x08 PLAY: Ogg 7x08 | Speex 7x08

Klaatu reviews some listener feedback. Yes, you're listener feedback!

Don't panic. GNU World Order has gained its own domain and is hosted on a new server, courtesy thelastknowngod. Update your feeds and bookmarks and stuff. Eventually the old domain name will stop working. Eventually.

ogg a535ab7481bf21df24b09125b7fb14f6
spx e9c3684a262f8b0367d4d0fad900beff
Important Links:
Hacker Public Radio
Razor-Qt, a lightweight Qt desktop
Fluxbox, the definitive Linux window manager
Sigil, the epub generator
concr, sigFLUP's encryption library for yesplz
yesplz, sigFLUP's unixporn screeenshot uploader
January 9, 2012: Episode 7x07 PLAY: Ogg 7x07 | Speex 7x07

Klaatu reports on the Usenix LISA conference, muses about evangelism of Operating Systems, rants about digital distribution, raves about OwnCloud, and praises the Acer Aspire One's BIOS recovery methodology.

Please note that the GNU World Order has gained its own domain and is hosted on a new server, courtesy thelastknowngod. Update your feeds and bookmarks and stuff. Eventually the old domain name will stop working. Eventually.

ogg 54b1c40ecabe3080396bf567852471fa
spx 739b91eb7f530d0bc60affe5690eee10
Important Links:
Sourcetrunk, quite a nice podcast.
December 25, 2011: Episode 7x06 PLAY: Ogg 7x06 | Speex 7x06

Klaatu and Holstein, from the Open Source Musicians Podcast and IRC channel, hang out and chat about the audio workflow on GNU Linux. Holstein provides some great tips about being a musician, Linux user, and audio producer, and volunteers to personally visit any new user's house and help them set up their sound studio (no, not really).

Please note that the GNU World Order finally has its own domain, courtesy thelastknowngod. Update your feeds and bookmarks and stuff. Or not. The old domain will continue to redirect to this URL for quite some time.

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spx 3856ecb0f3e87e65103a998ef0796d5b
Important Links:
Factorial Enterprises Impulse Response Effects!
Qtractor, the DAW that Klaatu uses
Ardour, the DAW that Holstein uses
Open Source Musician Podcast
December 11, 2011: Episode 7x05 PLAY: Ogg 7x05 | Speex 7x05

Klaatu talks for pretty much a straight 45 minutes about the film production workflow, mostly as a very verbose answer to a question posed by listener fiftyonefifty about how Kdenlive differs from simpler video editors. This, therefore, is a fairly complete overview of the film post-production process, and what solutions exist in GNU Linux. Does Linux have tools for each step? listen and find out!

Note that yes, we did get a new URL of gnuworldorder.info, thanks to thelastknowngod. So don't freak out when you see downloads coming from a different URL.

ogg 618319028977355cfdfd9259b802ea95
spx cc4aa327fb418970ad6c2d2422bfca5e
Important Links:
Kdenlive Articles on Opensource.com
November 28, 2011: Episode 7x04 PLAY: Ogg 7x04 | Speex 7x04

Klaatu talks about finding your own comfortable distro, Fedora 16, the Four Mystical Pillars of Linux Subversiveness, and the best format ever...epub.

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spx c3bd4d1cc7ed274134e97a5cd973809a
Important Links:
Sample epub file used in epub tutorial
Fedora Linux
Mystic Pillars
November 13, 2011: Episode 7x03 PLAY: Ogg 7x03 | Speex 7x03

Klaatu retracts all of his praise for Gnome3, due to hate mail. The official stance of the GNU World Order is now that Gnome3 is bad.

Aside from now hating Gnome3, Klaatu delivars a Gnome3 tip from listener Pseudomorph, and a mutt tip from Linc from TLLTS.

Other topics: openSSL versus Convergence.io (including a convergence tutorial), and GIMP Paint Studio!

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spx 39bad10966a9413b5aada34b4ef64fe7
Important Links:
Gimp Paint Studio
Gimp Paint Studio installer for lazy people and n00bs
October 30, 2011: Episode 7x02 PLAY: Ogg 7x02 | Speex 7x02

Klaatu talks about Gnome 3. He takes a coffee break with you. And then he talks about LVM.

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spx 439ee99bb7f5c6f421e0dd45015424af
Important Links:
OK, OK, Gnome3 for real.
October 17, 2011: Episode 7x01 PLAY: Ogg 7x01 | Speex 7x01

Klaatu checks in with Fedora, the KDE 4.6.5 network manager, and the Mandriva fork, Mageia. Then he takes about new users, the mythical New User Experience, and more. After coffee, he talks about how to sign your email with GPG, and the philosophy of Trust and the new SSL alternative, Convergence.

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spx 1c384583b719af8f37ce835b622d9d55
Important Links:
October 3, 2011: Episode 7x00 PLAY: Ogg 7x00 | Speex 7x00

Back from his extended two-week hiatus from the show, a re-newed Klaatu talks about the new Fat Chance Lester release &Android&, unixpuppies.info, the yesplz fix, his talk at Ohio Linux Fest, lpr and lpadmin, ghostscript, foomatic, /etc/cups/printer.conf and more.

ogg 01f3e2c38621667525ce4ab34ca461f1
spx fde793c2207a6fff08612bd5ec7d1e79
Important Links:
Android by Fat Chance Lester
unixpuppies.info - the work-safe redirect to unixporn.com brought to you by krayon and thelastknowngod

"We Take Accessibility Seriously!"

Deaf Users:

Unfortunately I have not found the time to transcribe the episodes that I record, or even do very elaborate shownotes as many people do for their shows. You're not missing much, though; I just ramble on and on about one thing or another, and the actual content can usually be condensed pretty effectively into short little articles. These articles, I write for a few different places but much of it ends up on my gopher site, also accessible via the new-fangledhttp protocol.

If you are a deaf user and find my content unacceptably inaccessible, then please feel free to let me know via email, IRC, or jabber. My email username is klaatu, and the domain that forwards the email to me is hackerpublicradio.org

Other Places I Dump Content:
Slackermedia is an ebook project explaining how to create multimedia on GNU Linux
XStraightXEdgeXLinuX is a dump of random articles and essays I've written, some redundancy, mostly still in-progress. But some good stuff.
...and generally other articles or books that I'm working on, which I'll announce once they are available.

Return to top.

Blind Users:

I use text browsers almost as much as I use graphical ones; this site is navigable by everything from a keyboard and screen reader, to mouse or ps3 controller. If there are portions of it that you find difficult then please let me know. Otherwise, the show and my articles should all be pretty well sightless-friendly.

Return to top.

Other Users

I have some friends who are blind, and I kinda know a little about deaf users through my friend Maco. Anything else, I'm clueless. If you are finding the content that I produce in any way inaccessible, feel free to corner me at a technical convention or send me an email or IM or find me on IRC, and let me know what I can do to accomodate.

Return to top.