GNU World Order is on summer break. The 9th season starts soon! (probably the end of July or early August)
Until then, grab a cup of coffee and get caught up on old episodes in the archive.
Season Finale!
Slax, the Pocket OS. Plus some stuff about SSH tunneling and SOCKS proxying and firewall generating.
- sha256sums:
- ogg 4bf7428c19bff202b1dc9db4cff582fcfade3678c5d16334e5f39ccc5bccf579
- speex edc98ee0d7ab8b96de1cad6e5c1c645813c42e4f405a19c53fe7ca324b88ae44
- Links:
- Slax, the pocket OS
- IANA Port Assignments
All about tar, the file chooser problem, CSS3 float vs inline-block, and a small review of the Oggcast Planet Live conference.
- sha256sums:
- ogg c48613d5514db180afe3b5670c42791f059c8ac09abca3f45562b0927760e3dc
- speex daaaa49c7621898207d75240c4f68b16822f06706e6a43b25f57a6def10a823a
EFI emulation with Qemu and TianoCore, a nifty Git frontend called Tig, some emacs tips, and more.
- sha256sums:
- ogg 93981f17e9a2383c0d39ba29df58fab9c4a7ab1d8e4d913934a32d7d66e69ab4
- speex 373d6dc21d54b68795d4ee007d2f898529fd3830bf775798dd55acac4bd54479
- Links:
- Tig
- Abbrev-Mode
- Klaatu keeps his dot-emacs in a git repository for your convenience
- Screenwriter-mode
- Elisp Tutorial
- TianoCore OVMF
Klaatu raves about ownCloud, and discusses a few triumphs of multimedia-on-Linux, and talks about openDCP in movie theaters.
Not discussed in the episode, but worth mentioning here, is that the Linux public beta of Lightworks is now available at so you can try it out for yourself at last. Visit for tutorials.
- sha256sums:
- ogg 7105a254343e42001c4848f1e208476142d3dbbeaf567417a951933156426374
- speex 3c21f6d1bc72e2cd2d3b7258bdb2c3e9118754fe09c475dec1553382f90ad7d1
Klaatu talks to Threethirty about Linux, life, everyday anarchism, Fedora, Gnome3, and more.
- sha256sums:
- ogg e9ab110931ae7e8b0344f0ccecbba120ad6216abbc8bfa745bbb13dbd003bc6f
- speex 27825a991023788e5d9bc4a39beccfcfb6dd3867d839efdb88d6b1f2fb51ac0e
Running Qemu in the shell with ncurses, networking with Qemu, and the author of Hiawatha sent in some great tips.
- sha256sums:
- ogg c85fe9a5ccda79fd68fd44faa7a2465d21451ba65bfc013bf853e1f2ef7eea02
- speex a96fd13b9ac36297044cbf236724744fd32a1c075bebccc24b89b2cf5f387ed3
Klaatu talks about his experience at the Northeast Linux Fest and the MIT tech museum. He also reviews a few different web servers and discusses code fluency vs computing fluency, and some listener feedback. Plus, a discussion and review of the original UNIX desktop: CDE!
Ignore the fact that Klaatu can't count and has skipped over episode 14.
- sha256sums:
- ogg e1d8255368d425bc5794864d54b00a5ae1a313834b65477c77346ee251febf56
- speex c1fdcab2b3e819458422de5ea558decdaff0108693162698c1380467c0a3efef
A discussion about Gitorious and the finer points of the 'git remote origin' incantation, turning Salix OS into Slackware proper, collaborative LaTEX, and some thoughts about learning, teaching, and computer fluency, and lots more.
- sha256sums:
- ogg ca11fb861ba2744a8b5ec000f0d4a01489c62b6d99ec1b336d8314042caa40ae
- speex 399b6c8d074410dcced965c633ce36f390d34cf1650f1f17c4b3b28b1706b05a
- Links:
- Shortwave radio shows of olde from
- And also
- everylicense.git
- Turn Salix OS into Slackware
- A nice Smalltalk implementation:
- Scratch
- Slackbuilds for Squeakvm and Scratch
Sigg3 reveals the definitive answer regarding dep resolution in Slackware, Klaatu talks about the silence and verbosity of UNIX, reviews dragonflyBSD, and discusses stability, high availability, specialized applications, and new users.
- sha256sums:
- ogg 78eb44ea75e5e352cdef6ec6d46e0ea887b01b64c60be199626fa1fe4200dd35
- speex 3573db339d0a3fb4122f066a01fe7f16f59786e885c9cbbff2e63f13eb148de2
Klaatu takes some listener feedback and talks about elitism, the Unix Philosophy, Lightworks, Flowblade, Slackware on the Raspberry Pi, and a whole lot more.
- sha256sums:
- ogg c22d284ec7a38207245843b7422062454dbf2b2d5bae36629f24023ac7f5ed62
- speex 00511b2eedbce7f67078e583fc4a8fa6af837be4e9a0bb21a4a45b45154b4d0e
- Links:
- NorthEast Linux Fest
- Adfeno's list of CC Content
- Flowblade
- Slackware on Pi - the right way
Klaatu talks about business spreadsheets and presentations to increase your bottom line and reduce overhead. Or does he possibly interview multimedia tech artist Ruji? Listen to find out!
- sha256sums:
- ogg 0f7102c321e7a91cef0ced0b8d4c19e0d3e5dc215303a53bfe1ea465072e0d0e
- speex 63e769404ae8e2cb45c9e3b01cdcdbc68a272f01fe0a94483531474d3ed62331
- Links:
- Glitches
- Welcome to SadOS
- Don Depresso, volume 1
- The Isolated Clay
Klaatu talks about Python and the GenHydro drumkit generator that he and his ol' pal Doug wrote. Then he discusses flexbackup, independent art, don depresso and ruji, sigflup and yesplz, and other stuff.
- sha256sums:
- ogg 1d02032940fcad83a6242878170282f2c1c1bd27366b91b9f98851138d3da934
- speex 77543c512d14a184235a8c65f261349b5872ceb371465e4b2d2680e968928be7
- Links:
- genhydro
- flexbackup
- here is a flexbuild slackbuild
- ruji
- Don Depresso
Due to impending significant world Events, this episode has been released early.
Update: It has been confirmed! Enlightenment did in fact have its official release today.
- sha256sums:
- ogg c161c2b2401abe0645c796c85ee8490fa3ce3dde52e358e7515f89f98eeb12d9
- speex fd6546e1955d48e17b61fbe257745427c47e23fa7e42b03565db80aef60c3db7
Klaatu reads listener feedback, with commentary, including a really amazing PHP script by Charles Simonton, SlackerMath, SlackBuilds, tablets, consumerism, a temp file generator bash script, and dependency resolution, compiling from source code, a new coffee drinking game from Deepgeek, and lots more.
- sha256sums:
- ogg 1a04441466746ad4f673f9102f3a7f9e3f6719dfecc8d123d0dd7e2ca9124ba6
- speex 98bb052b6948a700f0f855db20d5685d14cd85bb18f5e144a33befc4a309c5e5
- Links:
- text2html.php by Charles Simonton
- Pengpod GNU Linux tablets
- stampfile bashrc function by Dave Morriss
Lostnbronx talks about his new book, writing, the epub workflow, the meaning of life, the universe, and Linux.
- sha256sums:
- ogg e1fbb58c2a63429673406f7e41d5b1bdf77f4b408f8fd0a3dc70bda92db60d63
- speex d493ef2dffc97cbf8b8cf9081326f0e4b6c873cf0b951ff8ded1c55276e1e904
- Links:
- Motherload ebook
- Cavalcade Audio
- Motherload Audio Drama Episode One is alive!
- Information Underground
Klaatu talks about Slackware 14, Slackware Port, and Plan 9 and 9front. He also lies in the intro, promising to talk about flexbackup and then utterly forgetting to do so later on, so please do not get your hopes up.
Goibhniu wrote a neat script that has GUI elements, by way of built-in features of KDE:
grab() {
import -quality 50 /tmp/$$.png
upload() {
FILENAME=$(kdialog --inputbox filename)
rsync -vv --ignore-existing -e ssh /tmp/$$.png
db:public_html/$FILENAME.png 2>&1 | grep
-q exists
while [ $UPLOADED -eq 0 ]; do
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
rm /tmp/$$.png
kdialog --msgbox $URL
kdialog --error "$URL already exists"
- sha256sums:
- ogg 379e816df43e021047b1b958ba97588996e60f3a721f7d51e4d131ce0e2160e4
- speex 9d50edbe83126161cd0f94deecf87a7704ea1e39f0daa7d59d78f98efa8c352a
- Links:
- sport
- 9Front
- 9Front pics on Unix Porn
Listener feedback-a-plenty, including the tree command, some new bash tips and functions, turn your emacs into a typewriter, get a git-sensitive bash prompt, a new grep trick, commentary on Calligra, a bit about the date command. Also, a beautiful sparkly new game on Linux called Nikki and the Robots! Also, the show has an atom feed now, having received a lot of formatting help and bug testing assistance from listener Thomas Loo.
The revised grep tip, thanks to a few listeners for submitting this:
$ grep -C2 foo penguins.txt
Cor's emacs typewriter trick:
:: Play typing sound
(defun play-typewriter-sound ()
(start-process-shell-command "typewriter" nil "mplayer
(add-hook 'post-self-insert-hook 'play-typewriter-sound)
:: Play bell when cursor is at column 80
(defun play-typewriter-end ()
(if (eq (current-column) 80)
(start-process-shell-command "typewriter" nil "mplayer
(add-hook 'post-command-hook 'play-typewriter-end)
:: Return sound
(defun play-typewriter-return ()
(if (eq this-command 'newline)
(start-process-shell-command "typewriter" nil "mplayer
(add-hook 'post-command-hook 'play-typewriter-return)
And a bunch of cool bash functions from Sergio, with some corrections to my transcription thanks to Dave Morriss:
function tree() {
find "${1:-.}" -type d -print | sed -e
's:[ ]*/:|____:g;s:____|: |:g'
function sshpull() {
if [ $# != 3 ]; then
echo "Usage: sshpull user@host remotefile localfile"
return 1
ssh "$1" cat "$2" > "$3"
function sshpush() {
if [ $# != 3 ]; then
echo "Usage: sshpush user@host localfile remotefile"
return 1
cat "$2" | ssh "$1" cat ">" "$3"
function psgrep() {
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
echo "Usage: psgrep text"
return 1
search="$( echo "$@" | sed -r "s/([a-z0-9])/[\1]/i" )"
ps aux | egrep -i "SER|$search" | egrep -v "$@1"
- sha256sums:
- ogg e276ed90baf5e76fb302d0d3678798f3e0e0a690a02d4c3e4274c3b864bfd077
- speex 8d6c4c3fd15715870206d567e3de67db33f1341e0eea1d6dfca2c17799dda40d
- Links:
- All about Tag URI
- Nikki and the Robots
- Spy on indie game developers over at FreeGameDev
- OpenGameArt
Klaatu talks about Lightworks, spell checking in KRunner, date formats in RSS, dynamic compressors for sound, Torchlight and the Humble Indie Bundle, a grep trick, and more.
Also, Cobra2 has created a mirror of the Gnu World Order site!
MrWork in IRC dropped a subtle hint that listing the grep tip in the shownotes might be useful. So to get two lines Above and two lines Below the grep result:
$ grep -A2 -B2 foo penguins.txt
- sha256sums:
- ogg 4a7ba165af1ad2b2d8d7884a191657a9ac65ea614942fbfd727e0c2632c357e5
- speex be65623d40f67cda6427a4ae17d5ce94db8781ff63f26491c66ec3a35d5434c7
- Links:
- Lightworks news
- Torchlight
- - site mirror
Slackware 14 has been released. Listener feedback with more neat BASH tips & tricks, and a review of ColorHug, the open source hardware and software colorimeter.
Ken Fallon's one-liner directory tree:
find -type d
VulcanRidr's podcast mindmeld:
alias syncasts='scp /data/gPodder/Downloads/*/*.ogg /data/gPodder/Downloads/*/*.mp3 n900:MyDocs/.sounds/Podcasts'
Grizzly's changelink script:
if [ $# != 2 ]
echo -e "USAGE: $0 linkname path"
echo -e " where linkname is the name of a sym link and"
echo -e " path is new path the link should point to.\n"
elif [ -L "$1" ] ##if file exists AND IS SYMLINK
tmp="$(mktemp "changelinkXXXXXXXXX")"
rm "$tmp"
if ln -sv "$2" "$tmp"
rm -v "$1"
mv -v "$tmp" "$1"
echo -e "'$1' is not a link\n"
- sha256sums:
- ogg 6620e8dd0160e2fe674da2662edee64626d967d65a8483585a71bdec276badca
- speex 2efab00d4fd94e02391a4142e7a507c229844d1119e04925a8fc65f16c1f88e3
- Links:
- Python for BASH Scripters
- ColorHug
- a beast of a dot zsh rc
Bashrc functions from listeners, using fdupes to find duplicate files, and some philosophical rambling about negative feedback and free software.
Here is Remy's lstree bashrc code. Copy and paste into your .bashrc and then run source ~/.bashrc and give it a go!
And here is Remy's extract cheat:
function extract()
if [ -f $1 ] ; then
case $1 in
*.tar.bz2) tar xvjf $1 ;;
*.tar.gz) tar xvzf $1 ;;
*.bz2) bunzip2 $1 ;;
*.rar) unrar x $1 ;;
*.gz) gunzip $1 ;;
*.tar) tar xvf $1 ;;
*.tbz2) tar xvjf $1 ;;
*.tgz) tar xvzf $1 ;;
*.zip) unzip $1 ;;
*.Z) uncompress $1 ;;
*.7z) 7z x $1 ;;
*) echo "'$1' cannot be extracted via extract" ;;
echo "'$1' is not a valid file"
Ron's cd and ls combo-move:
function cd()
builtin cd "${@:-$HOME}" && ls -F -G -H -hol --color
And deepgeek's server aliases:
alias c2finger="ssh 'finger'"
alias c2stat="ssh 'ps -C thttpd -o
- sha256sums:
- ogg 1b4fb675ff29a4fa9c5d2fac573384a8207ff15d299dc1d353ff11a63de9e45b
- speex ebf8ae1c544766944a05ab9fb1eddba6f8cff51aefaa8e8f387c7f1a4f5bf447
- Links:
- fdupes
La nouvelle saison commence! Klaatu talks about some neat .bashrc funcs, the new website, Fedora in public, and Slackware.
- sha256sums:
- ogg b6f0c8859dc7efdb8c1ad4fea9b4bc23f0f658c53838b1f73587a7fd52936b12
- speex 4d4775bd3b280467719a9403d04eede4ea8e190a38aa8f24aaf37a76ed710916
- Links:
- pvcp